Ele’s Bridal Party <3

I am sooooo excited that you were all happy to be part of the coolest bridal gang that the world has seen!!

On this page, I wanted to create a first introduction to the individuals that make the group… including the prettiest picture I could find of each of you so you would feel extra thankful to have me as a friend ;)

(Pictures in simple order of when you entered my life)

  • Sabri

    Sabrina was my very first friend in life - aka big sister. While we had a rough start (as she occasionally dropped me while carrying me around… being less than 3 years older than me), we sure developed a strong bond over the years. Sabri is my biggest role model in many arenas… from being a great mother - solo parenting two monsters age (almost) 16 and 10, DIY project (she’s always been able to do basically anything on her own - from creating the most amazing party decoration out of nothing to fixing cars) & - maybe most impressively - how to not get a hangover despite drinking 10x of what I could handle…

  • Vanessa

    Vanessa was one of my earliest kindergarten friends and has been with me through almost every step of life since. She was there when I wrote the first letter to my soon-to-be first boyfriend in life (thank god that didn’t work out ;)), she was there for many drunk Kirmes, Fastnacht… events, she gave me inspiration for my son’s names (she also has an Oscar/Oskar + a Bruno) & im very proud that our friendship overcome many tough times in life together… actually, those probably made us even better friends - which I am extremely thankful for <3

  • Theresa

    Theresa is my favorite baby cousin (don’t tell the others I said this. Haha.) She is a tough cookie - putting up every day with my godfather (aka her dad) and having survived many “games” with Sabri and me - such as me throwing her into a trash can as a sliiiiightly oversized toddler. Theresa is always up for a party (and maaaany drinks)… which has not changed one bit even when she because - the most relaxed - mom of the cutest two girls in the world, Emma and Lotte! <3

  • Katha

    Katha (or „meine Kaka“ - German for „my poop“ as I call her since middle school times ;)) has been my best friend since her move into my home region in 7th (?) grade. Our friendship has endured many questionable teenage choices - such as regrettable outfit and hair styles (such as short purple hair and baggy skater pants that Katha used to rock), endangering transportation modes (eg biking on highways) and escaping home way too often together - as well as many challenges adult life threw our way. Even though we have lived far away from each other for ~15 years, Katha has been there for me in most of my life‘s most challenging & most joyous times. For that I am forever grateful… even if her alcohol tolerance has developed in a less favorable direction ;)

  • Franzi

    On a sunny summer morning of 2018, fate introduced me to the closest thing to family that I’ve ever had living abroad…. Franzi!! Having been born in Germany, spent her teenage years in Barcelona & met her (Swedish) husband while working in Dublin, Franzi and I share many similarities in life… which has made for the most amazing basis of a friendship / family away from family that I am beyond thankful for. Having had 3 kids around the same time, having similar aspirations for our careers vs personal life space, as well as having the same drink of choice has only made that foundation stronger. The only shade in all of this may or may not be Franzi’s shot ordering behavior once she has had a few drinks ;)

  • Tess

    You need some expert advice on how to be the most cheerful person on earth despite having 3 boys within 3,5 years - while building a house and managing 2 tough full time careers? Need advice on how to land the best deals… anything from groceries, clothes, gorgeous pieces of land or interest rates? Tess is your woman! She is cousin to Franzi’s husband and is married to one of Jakob’s school friends… which luckily made it impossible for us to not cross paths & I’m thankful to have found a friend in her who keeps things real, but also reminding me how to be happy and appreciative even when things at times feel though